Elder Cafe
6 Monthly meetings with your elder peers.
The elder years present a conundrum to many of us. We are aging, our bodies begin to fail us. How are we to approach these last years of our lives? Elder Café offers an opportunity to engage with others to become more intentional, connected and directed in these years. We will take up such questions as:
What is wisdom?
How do we retain self-respect?
Who are we when our bodies begin to fail us?
What is our purpose?
Where is our growth?
Let’s talk - together, we will craft a new relationship with age and support curiosity and excitement about the process.
6 Monthly meetings online - - Every second Tuesday of the month for 6 months. Sliding scale $75 to $150. ($75 if you are struggling, $110 if you are OK, $150 if you are doing well).
Register for the series here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcof--srT4qH9Tx9COd7iBN29ZgRtE63l5P
You can pay here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=8YQK99ZF59CC4
Led by Barbara Pettibone LCSW and Jann Draper Eliot.
Dates. January 14 to June 10, 2025
Time. 9:00 to 11:00 CT